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endurance testing machine中文是什么意思

用"endurance testing machine"造句"endurance testing machine"怎么读"endurance testing machine" in a sentence


  • 持久强度试验机
  • 持久试验机
  • 耐久性试验机
  • 疲劳试验机


  • Endurance testing machine
  • It now possesses of not only some production equipment advanced in the national level , such as automatic hydraulic pressure spring eye machines , automatic control quenching furnaces and automatic control tempering furnaces the control accuracy attains 5 and shot blasting machines of landscape and vertical orientation , but also some sophisticated quality detection equipment , such as durometers , metallographic microscopes , stiffness and endurance test machines , etc . besides the hardware equipment , the company has a group of senior specialized technical personnel in the field of the design of the leaf spring processing , the leaf heat treatment as well as the tqc total quality control
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